Please Join Us for a Night Out

Symphony Financial Planning is pleased to announce our upcoming financial presentation and art event, which will take place the evening of Tuesday, May 23rd.  Attendees will enjoy beverages, appetizers, and live music in a peaceful art gallery setting while listening to an engaging speaker.

Our talented guest presenter will be Weston Wellington, a vice president and market research expert with Dimensional Fund Advisors, a firm whose investment philosophy is in tune with Symphony’s own passive, disciplined approach.  In fact, several of Dimensional’s mutual funds are included in the portfolios we manage for our clients.

Mr. Wellington’s presentation, titled “Redefining Investment Advice,” outlines why traditional investment strategies like individual security selection and timing the market may be a costly and futile exercise for many investors.  He also underscores the value of academic-based research as a means of offering insight into investment return sources.  This speech promises to be illuminating and educational for Symphony Financial Planning’s clients, as well as anyone seeking a greater understanding of how to manage their wealth.

If you are interested in joining us for this fun and illuminating evening, please contact us at or (530) 758-2885.